1.Expressway Double and Single Arms Round Tapered Outdoor Lighting Pole Feature.
2.This Double arms road street light pole,constructed from A36 Steel, The design of this light post,brings a uniform lighting experience to a large space and solve potential obstacles to traffic to increase safety .They are used in parking lots, downtown areas, neighborhoods, walkways and building grounds.
3.Pole: The pole shaft is round tapered,made from Q235/GR50/GR65 steel plate of one-piece construction,the seam of the post is welded by plasma welding automatically equipment. Luminaires .
4.Arm: The luminaire arms are made of Q235/GR50/GR65 steel plate .The connecting part of a lamp arm are welded by Submerged Arc Welding process.
5.Light Pole Hand Hole: Each light pole hand hole includes a light pole access cover and cover attachment hardware. Pole assembly is provided with a 120*300mm rectangular hand hole.
6.Base Plate: The base plate is square with four slotted holes for anchor bolts, fabricated from steel .The base plate and pole shaft is circumferentially welded top and bottom. Light Pole .
7.Anchor Bolts: Anchor bolts are rolled from galvanized steel Q235B .Each anchor bolts shall include:four steel hot dip galvanized anchor bolts each with two nuts and two flat washers sized to match the anchor bolts.
8.Finish: After hot-dip galvanizing, passivation and thickening treatment shall be carried out, and the thickness of zinc layer shall be more than 80 um. The warranty can reach more than 20 years .
9.Other Options: The following options are available. Please consult our sales representative for details: Hardware, custom tenon sizes, custom colors, luminaries, custom pole heights, additional handholes, custom base plate dimensions.